Leading ductwork risk expert, Swiftclean, has launched a new independent auditing service for kitchen extract system cleaning performed by alternative specialist cleaning service providers.
Audits can be conducted at any time, either to assess the system as a whole, usually when a new facilities management team takes on responsibility for the system, or following a system clean, to ensure that it has been completed thoroughly and competently in accordance with TR19® Grease. TR19® Grease is the specification issued by the BESA (Building Engineering Services Association) and is widely accepted as the leading source of authority on kitchen extract system hygiene.
To assist compliance by Responsible Persons named under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order, and the organisations that they represent, the Swiftclean team will compile independent audit reports. Reports will provide a summary of the overall condition of the kitchen extract system, including photographic images. This photographic evidence will demonstrate showing the levels of grease thickness present in the system ductwork in micron readings. Each report will also include a schematic drawing and an executive summary. This will either indicate that the system is compliant with TR19® Grease, or will outline recommendations for installing additional safe cleaning access points to allow the system to be brought into compliance.
As compliance with TR19® Grease is essential for fire safety, Swiftclean’s independent audits will provide all the information required for an accurate fire risk assessment. It will also provide a structural overview; highlight any environmental health issues; and assist with budget planning. As experts in TR19® Grease compliance, Swiftclean is well versed in helping clients to apply the tables contained in TR19® Grease to establish the required frequency of cleaning for compliance. Many facilities managers find that their kitchen extract and general ventilation systems come with an incomplete list of assets such as access points, so Swiftclean reports will also provide accurate up to date asset logging.
A complete and accurate overview, with clear evidence of compliance, is also essential for insurance purposes, as many insurers now insist on compliance with TR19® Grease, and may refuse to pay out following a fire in the absence of robust evidence of compliance.
Gary Nicholls, Managing Director of Swiftclean and a co-author of TR19® Grease, said: “We are committed to seeing standards raised across our industry and to see compliance with TR19® Grease as standard in every commercial kitchen. By adding a new independent auditing service, we hope that we will be able to share our expertise further, offer advice; and help to ensure that compliance and greater fire safety become the norm.”
Swiftclean, as a member of the Vent Hygiene Register, is also a leading provider of expert cleaning for kitchen extract systems, routinely providing clients with compliance and evidence of compliance with TR19® Grease.
Swiftclean launches independent kitchen extract auditing service
Published 10th April, 2024 by Neil Nixon