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Hand hygiene on the Olympic agenda

Published 9th April, 2012 by Neil Nixon

Hand hygiene on the Olympic agenda

The British Cleaning Council chairman Mark Woodhead has urged the public to ensure that hand-hygiene is taken seriously during the 2012 Olympics Games and beyond, as competing athletes were advised to avoid shaking people’s hands.

The guidance on hand-shakes for Olympians came in a package of health advice from the British Olympic Association medical team. According to the pack, anything from cutlery to door handles could be carrying bugs or germs in the densely populated Olympic village, and athletes are advised to take extra caution when encountering these high-risk areas.

Tips for the 550-strong team of athletes and 450 support staff who will work with them also include regular hand washing and use of special protective hand foam as an extra barrier.

Mark Woodhead said: “We should all wash our hands regularly to prevent spreading bugs, but this good practice will be doubly important during this summer’s Olympic Games. It may seem small, but these changes in the public’s behaviour will create the best environment for our athletes to succeed, and if these changes are adhered to in the long-term, better health and hygiene could become one of the Olympics Game’s most positive legacies in the years to come.”

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