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Greenteck agrees distribution deal with Alliance Scotland

Published 16th September, 2022 by Neil Nixon

Greenteck agrees distribution deal with Alliance Scotland

GreenTeck Global has signed a five-year partnership with Alliance Scotland for distribution of the company’s innovative range of natural cleaning solutions throughout Scotland. As part of the relationship, Alliance Scotland will represent GreenTeck Global’s COSHH-free products across all sectors, from local authorities and public transport bodies to hospitality companies.

The move will see more of Alliance’s customers gain access to GreenTeck Global’s innovative, chemical-free technology, which combine the powerful and 100% natural disinfectant properties of ozone and electrolyzed water (HOCL) to deliver the highest hygiene levels.

Kieran Brennan, general manager of Alliance Scotland, said: “We know that our customers are increasingly looking for more sustainable ways to maintain the highest hygiene levels whilst minimising their environmental impact, and are therefore delighted to have signed this exclusive partnership deal with GreenTeck Global. We’re confident that GreenTeck Global’s range of energy-conscious products are set to revolutionise the way Scottish companies manage their sanitising needs, and we are excited to be able to deliver this fresh approach to commercial cleaning while delivering our customer base access to the most effective range of safe, environmentally-friendly and cost-effective cleaning solutions available.”

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