The official voice of  The Cleaning Show

C&M Online Issue
November 2021

The November issue of C&M contains the Official Show Guide for the Cleaning Show 2021 – everything you need to ensure you get the most from your visit to the event at London’s ExCel on 2-4 November 2021.

Beyond the Show Guide, the main focus of the November issue is Hand Hygiene. Crowded venues, an easing of restrictions and a cocktail of colds, flu and COVID-19 will make hand hygiene an even more essential practice this winter.

This issue also contains a special report entitled ‘Putting the freeze on hazardous waste’ in which Neil Nixon reports on a ground-breaking technology that is revolutionising the containment and disposal of hospital waste around the world. Further special reports include: A machine for all seasons - a look at Egholm’s City Ranger 3070; Robots aren't taking jobs, they're supporting workers - Michel Spruijt, GM and VP of Braincorp Europe, reports; Simple steps towards sustainability - MEWA UK country manager, Günes Yenen, reports; Raising standards through innovative software - Kingdom Cleaning’s project director, Toni O’Donnell, reports; and New technology taking care of care homes - a look at the use of Toucan Eco.

We also have all the latest news, views, contract information, personnel changes, and new product launches from within the cleaning sector.

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