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C&M Online Issue
March 2022

The main focus of the March issue of C&M is a feature on Washroom Hygiene & Odour Control. It’s important to look ‘beyond the checklist’ when it comes to washroom cleaning, as more needs to be done to eradicate harmful bacteria that can build up over time on high touch-point areas. This feature looks at new technology and systems designed to ensure a clean, odour-free washroom environment.

The issue also contains the second part of our Sustainable Cleaning feature. There’s a lot more to being ‘green’ than simply recycling and segregating waste streams. This feature looks at how a commitment to sustainability at all levels brings a host of benefits.

The March issue also contains two Special Reports – one looking at the Manchester Cleaning Show 2022 which takes place on 6 and 7 April at its new, easily accessible venue, Manchester Central; and one looking at the importance of supporting cleaning professionals to remain safe at work.

We also have all the latest news, views, contract information, personnel changes, and new product launches from within the cleaning sector.

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